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Texas Premiere

Dry Leaves

Pakistan I 10 mins I Drama I 2019 I Urdu w/ English subtitles

Zahida arrives at a home for the elderly, believing her son will take her back after a week's stay. 


Hesitant and apprehensive, she meets Farhat, who is full of hope. Yet as the story unfolds, she realizes the future might be different from her expectations.

Director's Note: All of my previous projects had a straightforward narrative, using verbal exposition to propel the story. With Dry Leaves, my goal was to avoid relying on dialogue, instead using framing, composition, and texture to communicate and emotionally connect to the viewers.


The film uses 4:3 aspect ratio to give a confined look, the kind aged may people feel while living in a home. The disconnect from family can make one's life colorless, so black and white treatment is employed.

+ Screens with the feature film, SEVEN AND A HALF


SAT. APRIL 24 - 7:30PM CT

About the Artist


Ali Sohail Jaura is an Independent filmmaker from Karachi, Pakistan with a penchant for evoking emotion and exploring styles of storytelling. In 2015, his debut short, PROHIBITED, won numerous awards around the globe, including Best Foreign Short at the LA Independent Film Awards. 


In 2017, his travel short, ARZ E PAKISTAN (Land of Pakistan), based on Northern Regions of the country, went on a winning streak and ranked in the Top 10 Tourism films of 2018 by CIFFT (Comité International des Festivals du Film Touristique).


His recent short film, NANU AUR MAIN (Grandpa and I), based on grandparent relationships, has been selected in some of the largest South Asian film festivals of USA.

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Thank you to our community partner(s) for this screening: the Austin Film Society, the Austin Film Commission, and SAIVA!



Director:         ALI SOHAIL JAURA

Writer:            MOHAMMAD BELAAL IMRAN

Screenplay:    AMMAR ZAFAR

Producer(s):    DHEERAJ JINDAL

                         HAARIS PRAMANI

                        SHAHWR NOORANI


Editor:            SYED MASHHOOD

                        HUSSAIN JAFRI 




SAMINA AHMAD as 'Zahida'

DURDANA BUTT as 'Farhat'


Cinematographer:      REHMAN ALI

                                   MOHAMMAD BELAAL IMRAN

Production Design:    SYED TAHA ZAIDI

Art Director:                 PARAS GUL

Sound Design:             ANSER SOOMRO


Music :                         ASIF NOORANI

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