Sat. April 15th @ 10:30AM
AFS Cinemas
Online April 28 - May 1
India I 15 mins I Drama I Short I 2022
Assamese w/ English subtitles
Indian Oscar Entry for 'Best Live Action Short Film'
'Best Cinematography' - Himalayan Film Festival
Kuxhol is traveling to the city with Goti, the horse from heaven. Kuxhol shares the amazing story of their adventures with anyone he meets - claiming Goti is the fastest horse in the world.
At first, everyone finds this bizarre as they can see that Goti is not a horse, but a donkey. Yet, eventually, his audience begins to believe in his tale of Heaven’s Horse.
About the Artist

Maharshi (Tuhin) Kashyap is a final year student at Satyajit Ray Film And Television Institute (SRFTI), Kolkata and a practicing film-maker hailing from Assam.
He has written screenplays for three feature length films Boroxun-Songs For Rains, Hero, and Bulu Film. His short film, Kaan Phus Phusot Phus Phusoni, won best student film at International Moving Film Festival, Iran. His recent short, Mur Ghurar Duronto Goti, has been screened at the Cineteca National Museum, Mexico as well as Kolkata International Film Festival and others. His documentary film, Water Water Everywhere was screened at Nagari Film Festival, Urban Lens Film Festival and others.
Presently his documentary film Flowers In A Hailstorm, is in post production. Another of his short documentaries, Xilxaku'r Udong Buku, has been recently selected and produced by Charles Correa Foundation under Nagari Film Festival 2022.

Writer/Director: Maharshi (Tuhin) Kashyap
Producer(s): Nilanjana Rudra
Cinematography: Arnab Laha
Prod. Design: Vipin Rohilla
Cast: Atul Pachani
Sound Design: Arnab Borah
Sound Mix: Archisman Mukherjee
Colorist: Mahak Gupta